Being being calm, quiet and feeling serene in your own private sanctuary has become one of our favourite past times and is one of the factors in the growth of the bathroom industry in recent times. But which do us Brits prefer...the bath or the shower?
The research revealed that for 51% soaking in the bath 'is a relaxing experience that helps to wash away stress caused by their loved ones'.

In addition, 19% use the bathroom to unwind from work pressures and social plans, 14% read a book, and 6% enjoy relaxing with a glass of wine.
However, the research found that only one in five Brits run a bath every day, with 72% saying they prefer to shower. When asked why, nearly half said it was 'more refreshing' and 'helped them to wake up', 41% prefer it because it’s quicker, and 10% said it was easier to clean. Over half – 52% - said they would still prefer to shower, even if they had more time. CEO Ian Monk said: “Whether you prefer to shower or bath, the bathroom has always been a room in the home that allows one to have personal space, whether that’s away from day-to-day stress, or for some people their other half! It is therefore not surprising that year-on-year sales of showers at are up 80%, while bath sales are relatively flat.”
If you want to be part of the fantastic KBB industry, contact us to discuss your options - 01480 405225 or visit our website.