Monday 19 October 2015

Why 'Come Dine With Me' is a key driver for the future of the KBB Industry

According to a brand new survey by Beko, one in 10 Brits would give up having a holiday so that they could afford a new kitchen instead. And, in a typical case of 'keeping up with the Joneses' 40% worry that their kitchen is “not as impressive as their friends”. It seems that people are giving up the summer heat away and staying in the kitchen! But what is the reason behind this trend?

Beko's survey – which was conducted after speaking with 2,000 UK home owners – highlighted the growing issue of “kitchen envy” especially among younger home owners, with one in five of 26-30 year olds stating that they are envious of their friends' kitchens and appliances.

Additionally, one in ten males admitted that they would seek the “best” kitchen gadgets and appliances to compete with friends - "men and their toys!".  

According to Beko, the phenomenon of “kitchen envy” has grown as the UK has adopted a more “Come Dine With Me” culture, with more people holding dinner parties and entertaining at home.

“It’s interesting that today, for both men and women, one of the most visible forms of competition between peers is seen in the home and perhaps most of all in the kitchen, which is the heart of the home for most people,” said Harley Street psychologist Dr Becky Spellman.

Who would've thought that "Come Dine With Me" would be responsible for the future of the KBB sector! 

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